About us

Who we are

Empowering Refugees, Building Resilience

Now and Tomorrow Uganda is an independent, refugee-led organization that was established three years ago with the mission to support and empower the refugee community in Uganda. As a registered corporation with charity status applied for, we are dedicated to fostering resilience and promoting self-sustainability among refugees.



Our Mission

We work with communities to support their initiatives in educating their children, generating incomes and food security for their families and building structures necessary to make those things happen.

Our Vision

We work towards a day when all refugee children will be actively engaged in formal education programs that prepare them for a purposeful and fulfilling life and a day when communities have developed the capacity and confidence to control their future



All activities, communications, and interactions are based on truth.


All activities and financial information open to review by partners and beneficiaries.

Openness to Change

Staff, volunteers and donors recognise change is inevitable and we must remain open to new ideas, methods and processes.

Refugee Focused

All activities and investments are viewed through the lens of “How does this improve the lives of refugees we serve”.


All communications and interactions among stakeholders will be conducted in a civil manner.

Our organization operates under the guidance of an independent Board of Directors, ensuring transparency, accountability, and effective decision-making. We believe in the power of collaboration and have successfully brought together various Community Based Organizations (CBOs). 

At Now and Tomorrow Uganda, we recognize the importance of education and skill development. In 2019, we launched the Soma!!!Soma!!! program, a community-based school readiness initiative. This program targets out-of-school children aged 6 to 12 years and aims to prepare them for formal primary school enrollment. With the involvement of instructors from the communities we serve, along with dedicated parent committees, Soma!!!Soma!!! provides school preparation activities three days a week, equipping children with the necessary foundation for their educational journey.

Join us on this journey of hope
and transformation

Together, we can shape a better Now and Tomorrow.

As we strive to enhance our impact and expand our reach, Now and Tomorrow Uganda is in the process of registering with the Ugandan government to operate independently. We have already registered as a company limited by guarantee and hold a certificate of incorporation. Our dedication to transparency and compliance is evident through our taxpayer identification number: 1016555426.

Now and Tomorrow Uganda is driven by the belief that every individual, regardless of their circumstances, deserves a chance at a brighter future. Through our initiatives and collaborations, we aim to create sustainable change, empower refugees, and build resilient communities.

Best Team

Meet Our Team

Executive Director

Mukamba January

He is a Congolese living in Uganda for more than 17 years. He pursued his educational journey and profession in Uganda and built a career in social work nurtured from Makerere University and Nsamizi Training Institute of Social Development. 

His interest in community practice/development, administration, social research, group work and project management enabled him to co-found Now and Tomorrow Uganda four years ago, embedded in his passion and experience living in diverse communities and a commitment to giving back to minority communities and groups.


Ndayambaje Boniface

Boniface is a Rwandan who has lived in Uganda for over 20 years. He started his education in Uganda and graduated from Nkumba University in 2019 with a Bachelor of Arts in  Development Studies. 

His passion comes from applying the knowledge attained to give back to communities, build community development, and work with humanitarian organizations to build community resilience. While he was at the University, he served as a student leader in several student platforms and he organized a series of community outreaches to support vulnerable communities.


Arinda Jeninah

Jeninah is a Ugandan who works tirelessly to making sure Now and Tomorrow Uganda is financially accountable. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Finance that supports N&TU to establish an informative and computerized accounting system to manage and control the financial health of N&TU.


Vema Nadia Vyizigiro

Vema is a Burundian who has lived in Uganda for about 17 years. She holds a bachelor’s degree in social work and social administration from Bugema University. 

Her passion in working with the community and children which has rendered a great services to ensuring over 1,000 orphaned refugee and host community children and other OVCs enrol and keep in formal primary schools around Nakivale refugee settlement.

Management Team

Meet Our Board of Directors

Education Coordinator Office of the Prime Minister - Nakivale

Ashaba Patricia

Patricia supervises all education programs for the Office of the Prime Minister at the Nakivale Refugee Settlement. She coordinates with the government schools as well as private schools, informal education programs and UNHCR.

Board Member and Community Dev. Officer Isingiro District Uganda

Turibamwe Silver

In his capacity as Community Development Officer for the local district, Silver works with both host country and refugee non-profit organizations to get them registered with the government and assists to build their professional capacity. 


Dr. Firminus Mugumya, PhD

Firminus is Senior Lecturer, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, School of Social Sciences at Makerere University in Kampala.


Aangom Rebecca

Rebecca is the Former Area Coordinator for Alight (formerly American Refugee Committee). She is responsible for all Alight programming in the Settlement and has been working in Nakivale for several years.

Board Member

Stefanie Todd

Stefanie has worked in the technology sector for more than 25 years and brings expertise in project management and customer service in both large and small organizations to the board.

Board Member

John Cropper

John has over 25 years’ experience various international roles working  for Oxfam GB, a the British Council and LINGOs/Humentum. 

John is also Chair of PM4NGOs, the organization that owns the Project (PM)DPro and Program DPro certifications. He served as Vice-Chair of Anti-Slavery International and Chair of the Dalit Solidarity Network. He recently co-founded Pyramid Learning www.pyramidlearning.org to help appropriate, accessible and actionable learning get to those, who need it most. He is also a Senior Fellow of the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation.

Board Member

Providence Nyongaru

Providence is founder of Pavua Concepts Ltd, a branding, digital and web development company based in Kampala. She is responsible of the digital programs that run in the orgranisation

Donor and Advisor

Eric Berg

Eric is the co-founder and principal donor of Now and Tomorrow. Prior to working in Nakivale, he co-founded LINGOs (Learning in NGOs), a consortium of over 85 international humanitarian relief, health and conservation organizations.